Rosh Hashanah
Erev Rosh Hashanah: Wednesday, October 2
Erev Rosh HaShanah Worship 

What: The Service welcoming the Days of Awe, led by Temple Beth Or’s Rabbi Lucy Dinner and Zemer Lexie Nuell.
When: 7:00PM
Where: In Person and Streaming
Erev Rosh HaShanah Oneg 
What: Following our Service, join us in the Social Hall for a community Oneg.
When: 8:30 PM
Where: In Person
Rosh Hashanah Day: Thursday, October 3
Rosh HaShanah Service

What: This is the "traditional" Rosh Hashanah morning service led by Rabbi Dinner and Zemer Lexie Nuell.
When: 9:00 AM
Where: In Person and Streaming
Holiday Activities for K-5th
What: Students will learn about and engage with the holidays through music, crafts, games, food, and prayer. Students may be dropped off in the social hall beginning at 8:45am on each holiday, and picked up in the social hall at the conclusion of the main service. Students must be signed in and out by a parent or legal guardian who is remaining in the building for the duration of the service.
When: 8:45 AM - 11:00 AM (Drop off is 8:30 AM)
Where: In Person (Various classrooms & TBOP)
Shofar Service 
What: Rabbi Dinner and Zemer Lexie will lead the Shofar service near the conclusion of the Rosh HaShanah morning service. Together, we will participate in the mitzvah of hearing the sound of the shofar.
When: Following the Morning Service
Where: In Person
Teen-Led Rosh HaShanah Service
What: This is a Teen-Led, shortened Rosh Hashanah service open to all.
When: 11:30 AM-12:30pm
Where: In Person, Satisky Hall
Mazel Tots, Sing A Long Service 
What: Come sing along as we welcome the Jewish New Year with Zemer Lexie!
When: 11:30 AM
Where: In Person, Sanctuary
Rosh Hashanah Study Session
What: Change is Hard
Who: Rabbi Lucy Dinner
When: 11:30 AM
Where: In Person, Assembly Room
Rosh HaShanah Walking Music Playlist for the Holy Day
What: Celebrate Rosh HaShanah and the beauty of our world with a walk or hike. Curated by Zemer Lexie, this hour of music was selected to creatively represent the liturgy of our holiday worship service. Some melodies mirror what you would hear at TBO, some have been chosen as a representation of an individual prayer's theme.
= Broadcasting Live
= On Demand
= In person
High Holy Days at TBO