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Get involved!  Temple Beth Or belongs to all of us.  You are encouraged to bring your talents to one or more of our committees. We welcome your participation. Whether you have one hour or 100 hours to contribute, there is something for you to become involved in at our temple.

Look through the list of committees that follow. If you are interested in joining a committee, fill out the Volunteer Interest Form.

Adult Education
The Adult Education Commitee's mission is to engage TBO members through educational opportunities that continue Jewish learning, enhance Jewish living, and strengthen Jewish identity. This committee designs programs that work to achieve this mission, and frequently work in collaboration with other committees and areas of interest within the TBO community. 

The Development Committee
This is one of our Temple’s newest Committees.
The purpose of this Committee is to nurture a culture of philanthropy across the Temple Beth Or Community.
The Committee drives donor identification and engagement, and structures philanthropic efforts for the synagogue.
The Committee also coordinates and synchronizes all fund-raising efforts – minimizing overlap and optimizing connections with our leadership donor community.
The Committee welcomes new TBO members who wish to learn more about our Temple or any members who would like to get involved in our many activities.
Meetings are held the last Monday of each month.
Anyone interested in joining the Development Committee can contact Hilary Lamb 

Temple Beth Or’s Membership Committee introduces visitors and prospective members to our congregation and its programs, and makes new members feel welcome once they have joined. In addition to greeting and answering questions at each Friday Shabbat service, the committee hosts annual new and prospective member events during the year.  The secret to the Membership Committee is the rich comradery in the group that spills over into everything they do.

Religious School
Temple Beth Or’s Religious School Committee serves an essential purpose in helping TBO staff to create a warm, engaging, and fun Jewish educational environment for its students. The committee helps to support the religious school via volunteering to plan or help with events and activities throughout the school year—kick offs, holiday events, fundraisers and more. They also review and advise on policies, procedures, calendars, finances, and other pertinent information presented to the committee by the RS Director or Rabbi/Educator.

The Ritual Committee works with the clergy team and Board of Trustees to enrich and enhance the ritual life of the congregation.  The committee’s dual role includes offering the clergy team ideas and feedback for the congregation’s liturgy.  Additionally, the committee works to welcome and encourage participation in the Jewish rituals of Temple Beth Or.  Questions and comments can be directed to

Tikkun Olam (Repair the World)

“Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof – Justice, justice you shall pursue, that you may live, and inherit the land which the Lord your God gave you (Deuteronomy 16:18).”

Temple Beth Or offers a wide array of projects inviting members to participate in tikkun olam – “repair of the world.”  Committee members develop a social justice agenda of projects each year, ranging from direct service and supporting causes to advocacy and partnerships with other groups working for our community and our world.  Click here for more information

Mazel Tots
The goal of this committee is to bring together members of the congregation with young children.  It offers TBO members a way to get to know one another, have social and educational programming designed by them and for them.  For more information on the Mazel Tots program click here.


Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785