The undersigned acknowledges that an online signature will, for all purposes, be treated as an original.
By entering an electronic signature above, a parent or guardian on behalf of each Participant and all parties responsible for Participant, confirms that they have read and understood the NFTY B’rit Kehillah, and understand that if the Participant does not abide by the code of conduct in place, their parents will be contacted and the Participant will be dismissed from the event. In the mutual interests of Temple Beth Or, the Participant, and for the well-being of all participants at Temple Beth Or, I understand, respect and will observe the rules, regulations and policies of Temple Beth Or, which have been developed for the benefit of all participants, to strengthen the Temple Beth Or program and enhance the experience for all participants. As parent/guardian of Participant, I agree to the implementation and enforcement of the following rules, regulations and policies for Temple Beth Or programming.