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High Holy Days

Our High Holy Days bring the community together, infusing meaning into our Days of Awe. From the first sound of the shofar to the last blast on Yom Kippur, our Rabbis inspire us and our music director and choir move us.  

You can watch the recordings from last year's services here.

All are welcome to join us for the High Holy Day services.  Members can purchase passes during the renewal process.  In addition, members and/or guests can obtain passes by contacting the Temple office prior to the start of the holidays.

Information about High Holy Day programming can be found here. 

Not a member?  We welcome you to join us for the High Holy Days, you can find more info here.


Embracing the outdoor nature of the harvest festival of Sukkot, our community gathers to decorate and dwell in the sukkah. Our Shabbat service during Sukkot is held outside, and we mark the beginning of the holiday gathering together to eat and pray. In 2018, TBO families built and decorated a sukkah at the North Carolina Museum of Art as part of their family festival focusing on the harvest. 


On the Shabbat that falls during Chanukah, families bring their chanukiyot and join together to light their chanukiyot and enjoy latkes and other festive foods.


In addition to a Friday night Family Shabbat Service, our Religious School holds a Purim Extravaganza for all its students.  This is a highlight of the school year.  Our fantastic Purim Extravaganza begins in the sanctuary with a megillah reading skit.  Students and parents then make their way into Satisky Hall where they have a blast climbing on inflatables, making crafts to take home, and making memories at the photo booth.  This is followed by a pizza lunch and a Purim Schpiel performed by our students.


We say all who are hungry may come and eat.   We are matching folks for Seder's this year.  Check out our Passover resources here.


Yizkor or "Remember;" memorial services held on Yom Kippur and on the last day of Pesach, Shavout, and Sukkot.

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785