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Rabbi Dinner Shalom Year

Rosh Hashanah, Wednesday, October 2
Knowing that we will all be together for evening high holiday services, our President, Barbara Freedman, will use a portion of her President’s address to honor and thank Rabbi for her years of service. Rabbi’s extended family will be present from New Orleans and Indiana. Rabbi Dinner plans to speak about her life as a Rabbi in her sermon that evening so this tribute is fitting.

Scholar in Residence Weekend, November 15
In honor of Rabbi Dinner’s commitment to torah and ensuring it’s lessons span the generations, she has requested Dr. Gary Zola, her longtime mentor, teacher and Rabbinic colleague as a scholar in residence. Dr. Zola is the former Director of the American Jewish Archives.

Farewell Carnival, Sunday, May 18
This event coincides with the last day of Religious School. Rabbi Dinner’s legacy will surely include the importance of community and value of being together just for the sake of joy.  The event will give religious school and Mazel Tots families an opportunity to celebrate and honor the Rabbi.

Farewell Shabbat Service and Celebratory Oneg, Friday, May 30
Shabbat services will feature special music, a number of friends, interfaith partners and Rabbinic colleagues from around the country. Along with Zemer Lexie, these folks will participate in the service, offering their thanks and reflections on her service. Afterwards, our entire community is invited to celebrate with Rabbi Dinner and her family in a catered

Celebration at the NC Museum of Art, Saturday, May 31
The culmination of our Year of Shalom! More details to come!

Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785